This department provides economic services. The finance department is a custodian of all the finances and assets of the diocese. The office ensures accountability and transparency in the utilization of resources available in the diocese. Finance department through financial committee is charged with the duty to see to it that financial and material resources necessary for evangelization are at the diocese’s disposal. It is from this juncture the department runs some income generating projects which are service oriented. These include Nzimano Hostel, community centre, Amani Beach, Peace and reconciliation centre, Nzimano soap factory etc. under this department one finds too some centers which offer services to the religious and society. These include Kigoma Catholic Training Centre(KCTC), Spiritual and Pastoral Centre (SPC), Caritas Building Unit (CBU) and Kasulu Technical School (KTS) Organogram.

General Objectives of the Finance department

  • Preparation of Management Information System for management meeting purposes in financial matters.
  • Responsible for the implementation of all financial related policies as directed by the Diocese.
  • Overall responsibility of all the funds of the Diocese in accordance with the plans of the finance and planning committee.
  • Responsible for the administration of the ecclesiastical goods pf the Diocese
  • Responsible for implementation of some personnel related policies especially on salaries, wages and contracts as directed by the Diocese of Kigoma
  • specific Objectives

  • To ensure that the financial resources of the Diocese are used effectively, economically and in a transparent and accountable manner
  • To supervise the procurement and disposal of all assets, facilities and store requirements.
  • To initiate and supervise/manage the investment of Diocesan properties
  • To ensure there is proper management of Diocesan properties (proper administration of the ecclesiastical goods of the diocese)
  • To enforce regulations and controls of the use of funds by each department, parishes and institutions to ensure proper management, accountability and transparency
  • To implement the financial related policies as directed by the diocese
  • Preparation of information system for management meeting purposes in financial matters (reporting to various bodies
  • Responsibility to manage all the funds of the diocese in accordance with the plans of the Finance and Planning Committee
  • To ensure that the welfare of the Church Personnel (Clerics, Religious and the Laity) are well taken care of ( Health, remuneration, transport, housing etc)
  • Duties of Finance departiment

  • The Diocesan financial administrator, is the spokesman for Kigoma Diocese in financial matters
  • To present to the Diocesan financial and planning Committee, an account of the annual income and expenditure for the whole Diocese.
  • To control the Diocesan financial administration including licenses and insurance and administration of various claims in the Diocese
  • Preparation of administration and financial management related information in response to Bishop’s requests.
  • Challenges

    With regard to personnel, the department still lacks enough trained staff as compared to the present work load. The departments lacks the competent Secretary, Sales and marketing personnel, Fundraising expert, Estate manager (for lands and plots), Expert in Agriculture and It Technician.

    The department is also in dare need of some Material resources such as plots or lands which are legally owned for putting up buildings, for farming, business, manufacturing industries etc. Department is also uncomfortable with the lack of Machinery and Equipments for offices, agriculture, factories and so on. Relevant software are also highly needed for daily office operations.

    Needed are also Financial resources. The Department is required to maximize collection of funds from traditional sources of funds such as church collections, donations and small business such as Nzimano, soap factory etc. New sources of Funding also need to be established to complement the existing ones. These include levies from Parishes, Educational institutions, other institutions, projects and Personnel working outside the Diocese. We need to create reserve fund for investments and emergencies. Likewise we need to create common funds for upkeep of church personnel.

    Moreover, We need to venture into new investments. This requires the department to utilize plots available by building commercial complex, residential blocks or apartments, by building modern commercial schools etc. Investing in agriculture is a must if food and commercial farming are intended by Finance Department. We equally see the need of investing in manufacturing and processing Industries such as food processing, fishing and packing, soap and soft drinks and the like

    Since the management of Church property is among the primary duties of the department, we need to put in place the use of available rules, policies and regulations such as staff manual regulation, financial manual, statutes and handing over procedures. Trainings and seminars to the church actors are the core of our responsibility and are highly needed. Squrely, the control, monitoring and evaluation of church properties through meetings, supervision, reports and audity remain a priority to be implemented by this particular department. We need to plan the proper and economical use of the acquired land for the benefit of the Church (Diocese of Kigoma). Needed is likewise the proper and comprehensive statistics and stock keeping if management of the dioceses’ properties are to considered. Resources Available.

    The department is not without resources which if properly used can lead to attainment of her goals. Resources include Personnel and Christian faithful, Lands and plots, buildings, Motor Vehicles, Office fittings, furnitures and Equipments, funds although are not enough

    source of support for the department

    These are two major sources of income for the Department, internal source and external source. The internal Source which include Church collections namely Zaka na Sadaka, Tith (Zaka), Shukrani ya Mavuno, harambee, bahasha ya Jimbo(Special envelop), Nia za misa (mass intentions), rental charges, and other contributions. Loan from banks and other financial institutions

    TThe external source include the ordinary and extra ordinary subsidies from Rome, Donations from other external agencies for projects and designated activities, Mass intentions, Mission Appeals, Personal gifts from individual who are abroad and so on

    Future plans

  • To produce business plans for big investments and secure loans from banks ( invest in commercial buildings, residential apartments, Hostels/Community Centres, build modern commercial schools. Invest in modern agriculture.
  • Invest in human resource development (train personnel both clerics and Lay people in various fields)
  • Invest in transportation Industries (water and surface transportation)
  • Start food processing industries, Invest in manufacturing/processing industry (food processing, fishing and packing, soap, soft drinks)
  • Invest in agriculture – small, medium and extensive farming (secure land, purchase tractors and other farming tools and machinery, hire/train experts in agriculture, planting of trees for woods and fuel.
  • Construct warehouses for food storage (bank ya mazao), storage of forest products, etc.
  • To make sure each parish gets a computer and solar power for lighting and for running the computer.
  • Device means of controlling and monitoring the proper collection and usage of church property.
  • To ensure that the Building Company (CBU) is working efficiently and profitably.